Tamago-EN Original Egg
Tamago-EN is a casual egg speciality restaurant, and only uses the freshest eggs imported direct from Okinawa.

Direct from Farm to Table
Enjoy our delicious, safe and fresh eggs at Tamago-EN!

About Us
Tamago-EN only uses the freshest eggs imported direct from Okinawa. Delight in the golden orange yolk unique to Japanese eggs and revel in the fuwa fuwa (fluffy) texture of our egg dishes. All our eggs go through a process of UV sanitisation for the highest food safety standards, and are SO FRESH they can be eaten raw.
たまご園では、沖縄県直送の新鮮たまごのみを使用。日本産ならではのきれいな黄金色をした黄身やふわふわ食感のたまご料理など、見て食べて、五感でたまごをお楽しみ下さい! 最高の食品安全基準をクリアした紫外線殺菌を施した新鮮なたまごですので、生でも安心してお召し上がりいただけます。

Ultimate TKG
TKG stands for Tamago Kake Gohan. It is traditionally eaten by mixing a raw egg (only the freshest will do) with white rice for a nutritious breakfast. The trendy way to eat this is to whip the egg white into a fluffy cloud-like texture and add your favourite toppings for the ultimate TKG!